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HomeUncategorized2014 USXC Walker Cross-Country Video Recap

2014 USXC Walker Cross-Country Video Recap

Here’s a nice recap of the final cross-country race of the 2014 USXC race season, from Walker, Minn.



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  3. As a graduate of Textile Design, I find it etnelalry frustrating when people expect me to only look to my field for inspiration. Of course there are textile designs and designers who I find incredibly inspiring but to limit myself to one field I think would breed boring, one dimensional design. I find inspiration in many sources within design but also in every day objects, in folklore and in science and I think (or at least hope) that this will lead to a more creative process. I really love graphic design and illustration and find inspiration in this too.Several centuries ago, there were many more polymaths experts or well informed people in various different fields. When people look at Leonardo da Vinci’s work now, they cannot define him by one thing and this is because he was interested in many different fields. Just today at university, a few of us were discussing the early voyagers and discoverers and whether they would have in an era before the advent of photography been able to create such skilled and detailed maps had they not been or had with them people capable of designing and drawing. The same would also apply to the discovery of species both plant and animal and the detailed drawings that would have been the only visual way of showing people many thousands of miles away a glimpse of nature on the other side of the planet. I think I’m rambling on a bit now but to conclude, I think that anything can inspire anyone (even a sliced up shark or an unmade bed) but it is the willingness of the person to be inspired by everything they see. I also think that the field of design as it is more and more wants people who are capable of a range of things within design or have knowledge of the different subjects encompassed within it and that being open to new sources of inspiration and ideas works well with this way of thinking. Hope this wasn’t too long! [url=]nihmsbw[/url] [link=]namjrt[/link]

  4. KarenJune 2, 2010Both are beautiful. The polka dots are truly etaixordrnary though! I almost bought them myself online after I saw this, but then I saw that it’s a 5 skinny heel and remembered I wouldn’t be able to walk in them. More power to you though, they look great! [url=]kmqjcmy[/url] [link=]bqatxusck[/link]

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