The famed Kotzebue, Alaska, cross-country race is legendary for its high speeds. Here’s 87 seconds of action that give us a slight inkling about the speeds and terrain.
Here’s what Unch Schuerch wrote to me about the video and Thor Lie (great name!), the racer who filmed it:
“Thor raced in the Kotzebue race as #68 aboard an Arctic Cat Firecat 600efi. Thor took off 19th in 600cc class. On a very rough trail he passed everyone in his class, plus 23 racers out of 25 in the 800-1000cc class that took off ahead of him. Sad to say Thor was t-boned by a ski-doo racer and the sled was a total loss and was forced to scratch.”
Then check out the short film trailer about the same Kotzebue race below. Wicked!