I don’t want to know why. Instead I’d prefer to know what it drives like.
I’m referring to this honey of a Yugo that’s powered by a 900cc Suzuki triple straight out of an Arctic Cat Thundercat. Someone just paid $2,025 for it on eBay.
A Yugo!
Pretty fantastic in my opinion. I love that people get hair-brained ideas and just run with them! Seriously, that’s a trait that I mostly enjoy about people.
The seller claims this baby will do mid- to high-11s in the quarter-mile, which is pretty dang quick. No doubt the acceration scared the **** out of him, as evidenced by the stains on the seat.
I’d love a detailed report on driving this thing, including pix of the back end braking loose in some random location, like a McDonalds drive through or something.
Then I want to see and read a ride report on the Yugo-powered Thundercat.
“Just so ya know…the discoloration on the drivers seat is not poop…Its water stains from something the previous owner had sitting on the seats and Im sure could be shampooed out.” – Disclaimer of the year ha-ha.