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Today, we have a big announcement: ArcticInsider has been acquired by Tom Rowland, owner of Thomas Sno Sports in Ogilvie, Minnesota.

Tom Rowland is one of the most passionate Arctic Cat enthusiasts we know, and is no stranger to this site. We guarantee he will be the perfect preservationist for the entertaining Arctic Cat content created by John Sandberg, Kale Wainer and Pat Bourgeois that resides here and will continue to elevate this popular enthusiast site.

In true ArcticInsider fashion, we thought it was best to ask Tom a few questions about his intent with ArcticInsider and how he plans to bring continuing life and content.

ArcticInsider: Tom, I think most everyone who has followed this site is familiar with your name and dealership, but why don’t you give us the elevator pitch on your background and love for the Arctic Cat brand.

Tom Rowland: Well, my history with the Arctic Cat brand is rooted deep, as it probably is with so many others who are Arctic Cat loyalists. In my case, my family was an Arctic Cat dealer in the 1960’s, and much of the 1970’s, before closing shop and pursuing other careers. Snowmobiling (and the Arctic Cat brand) was such a big part of my childhood and teenage years that I guess it was only a matter of time before I decided to own a snowmobile business. In 1988, Thomas Sno Sports was founded in Ogilvie, Minnesota where we remain today.

ArcticInsider: What makes you want to carry on the legacy of ArcticInsider? Will it be you alone creating content?

TR: To borrow a familiar Arctic Cat tagline coined in the 1990’s, I’ve always thought ArcticInsider has done a great job of capturing “What Snowmobiling is All About”.  Snowmobilers are a passionate group, and those who ride Arctic Cat, take passion to a whole new level. The content on this website is incredibly educational, and entertaining. We are going to preserve all of the content that’s already in place and are going to keep adding to it. I’ll create some of the content, but have an enthusiastic group at the dealership who will help. Ill also draw on some of the friends we have made in the industry over the last 35-plus years to provide some inspiration and input too.

Thomas Sno Sports has amassed an incredible collection of legendary Arctic Cat machines, race memorabilia, and one of the largest collections of Arctic Cat Marketing materials the world has forgotten about, or hasn’t seen yet. Content surrounding this collection will be coming to ArcticInsider in the shape of a written story, photo and video!

ArcticInsider: John, Kale and Pat provided “inside” information from the Arctic Cat factory. As a dealer, how will you provide unique inside information about the brand?

TR: Yes, great question. The “inside” information we plan on sharing will differ slightly, but as a dealer, we do have a tie to the factory. Our store has a few thousand customers pass through the doors every year, they are all riders just like we are, and nearly every one of these folks have a story to tell. There is no greater way to connect with Arctic Cat enthusiasts than to be speaking face-to-face with the actual people that have bought these machines and are out riding them every chance they get. Also, we have had great relationships with all of the people at Arctic Cat for over three decades, no matter whom the leadership might be at a given time, I wouldn’t be surprised that we still get handed a bit of inside information to share with ArcticInsider visitors.

ArcticInsider: What should readers expect from you, in terms of the kind of content and frequency? Will you continue ArcticInsider social media? (Facebook, Instagram & YouTube)

TR: We want to capture people stories, riding stories, racing stories, product stories and the like. One difference that might show through is different writing styles of any given contributor. While those who provided content before us have been actual journalists and marketing professionals, we are just snowmobilers with a passion for the Arctic Cat brand that want to connect with others. We will definitely keep all of the social channels active that ArcticInsider currently has, and will be adding content.  

(L-R) Tom Rowland, Randy Holland, Kale Wainer, Pat Bourgeois and John Sandberg. This group of friends has shared many belly laughs from these ride adventures!

ArcticInsider: Relive and share your favorite memory of spending time with the three clowns, John, Kale and Pat

Tom Rowland: It is not easy to pick just one, there are many! I would have to say that the annual “last ride of the year” we’d take on Minnesota’s North Shore trail each March/April were really memorable. Of course, all of the goofy antics stick in my mind, and I am literally laughing out loud as I am writing this, but also just looking back on the fun a group of people can have while out snowmobiling and how you guys were able to capture those experiences and share them with others. We will do the same.

ArcticInsider: Please give Tom and his team a warm welcome in the comments!



  1. Welcome Tom!

    One thing I miss on this page was each year there was detailed info as to what exactly was updated on the Race sled(s) for the season. I pray Arctic Cat continues to make sleds down the road and if they do perhaps you can try to bring this back.

  2. Congratulations Tom, and thanks to Kale and Pat for your efforts the last few years too! I’m looking forward to what’s in store!

  3. Congratulations Tom.
    I think your the perfect candidate
    to carry the flag into the next
    Really look forward to reading and
    getting your insights into the brand
    we love!!!


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