
Beauty in the Backyard

2016 Arctic Cat Crosstrek 800. Photo by

Last Friday, temperatures here in the Twin Cities flirted with 90 degrees F. I already have a nice foundation for the farmer’s tan that my children will tease me about for the rest of the summer. This past weekend I mowed the lawn for the third time this season. The graduation cards keep coming in, reminding me that school will soon be out.

And tomorrow I’ll be in the red sand canyons and desert of Moab, Utah, to soak in Rally on the Rocks aboard some Arctic Cat Wildcats.

By every measure it’s late spring, and I am truly enjoying it.

But even though I’ve pickled the sleds for the off-season and the next white flakes to hit the yard are six months away, I still steal a moment or two each day and think of winter. Glorious winter, and the beauty of snow in the backyard. 

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