Carrie Longley (formerly Goodwin) is an amazing racer!
When it comes to high-speed Alaskan cross-country competition, she’s often the fastest racer, regardless of gender. She’s on record with a first place overall finish in the Men’s Kotz-Kiana 180 XC race, plus a first place overall finish in the Kotzebue 120 XC women’s race (3 times, actually!).
At the recent Men’s Kotzebue ‘Last Chance’ 105 XC, Carrie raced a 2004 Firecat 600 in the 600cc class of the race (the 2003-2006 Firecats remain a popular choice amongst XC racers in Northwest Alaska due to their amazing top-speeds).
Carrie got off to a slow start in the ‘Last chance’ race but eventually passed all of the male Cross-country racers in her class, some of which have placed first overall in the nationally recognized Kotzebue 220 XC race. Carrie caught some huge air along the way and maintained the lead in the 600cc class until she eventually blew her track.
Take a few moments to watch what high-speed lake racing is like in Alaska, as well as the nerves it takes to go wide-open.
For sure watch the wicket tail-stand that occurs at 4:45!
That’s awesome… too nad her track blew. ;o(