
Factory Friday – Engines Are a Hot Topic

Jim Zimmerman is building a SnoPro with 1100 triple prototype engine that never saw production in 2003

Sorry, but not sorry for lack of content on the website this week. I try to spread the love between the website and social channels. And this week, All the action happened on the ArcticInsider Facebook page.

The hot topic was prototype engines. If you get a chance, check out Jim Dimmerman’s SnoPro he’s building with a prototype 1100 triple engine. 

Speaking of high horse engines…it appears the Thundercat build will be happening soon! The line is loading with 998 engines now. Hooray!

On the Dirt line, Wildcat Trail Limited models in orange are steadily rolling off the line. From the dealers I have talked to, these Trail models have sold as quick as they are getting them in the door. Everyone wants to be outdoors thanks to COVID-19. That’s positive!

Enjoy the photos, and enjoy your weekend!

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