
First Snowmobile Front Flip My @$$!

A lot of hype has been made this week on the ol’ socialable medias about the supposedly first-ever front flip on a snowmobile at the recent Nitro Circus showin San Diego.

It’s NOT the first front flip. For starters, Heath Frisby did it at the X Games in 2012.

And I have personally done a snowmobile front flip at least 20 times in my career. A couple were even multiple-flips. Most of them occurred during various snowmobile races, usually in a whooped-out section of ditch. Granted, each one was unintentional; probably more of a somersault/cartwheel; and a complete surprise, but that shouldn’t matter when the history books are being written.

While there is no video documentation of my flips (too bad, because I guarantee they’re more entertaining than the recent Nitro Circus maneuver), I still have some shredded windshield plastic and twisted handlebars to prove it.

Gotta give the Nitro gang credit though, they’re smart enough to charge money for this stuff.

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