There’s a million things to get a guy excited about…bacon, mowing grass or that one scene in the movie…ahhh, nevermind.
Mod sleds. Mod sleds get me fired up! And this one was a complete surprise to see. Team Arctic’s, Todd Tupper, dropped this one on us. Im going to have to find out more details, but the photos themselves are quite sexual and will do for now.
Todd’s going to race this mod at the last RMSHA National Championship Hillclimb this weekend at Lost Trail. RMSHA has had a pretty great Livestream this season, so check it out. Todd has been racing the Pro Masters and Pro Senior classes this season with success and where Id assume he’ll race this ZR-based mod.
Remember, two weeks left of Snowmageddon Spring Order (Ends April 30th)…go visit your dealer this weekend. CLICK HERE for list of dealers with 2022 demos to look at.
Enjoy the weekend!