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HomeNewsNew Snowmobile PG&A from Arctic Cat July 2012

New Snowmobile PG&A from Arctic Cat July 2012

Now is the time of the year when the snowmobile industry starts revving up for the approaching season by promoting their newest products.

Here are the latest clothing and accessories from Arctic Cat, available now at most Arctic Cat dealerships and HERE at the Arctic Cat online store:


2013 Arctic Cat Retro Shop Shirt

2013 Arctic Cat Retro Shop Shirt

Wear the timeless style of the classic “swoosh” logo on the new Retro Shop Shirt from Arctic Cat. Constructed from 65 percent cotton/35 percent polyester, the button-front shirt features a hidden “stay-put” button collar. It’s available in S – 4XL sizes with an MSRP starting at $59.95 U.S./$69.95 Canada.


2013 Arctic Cat Freezone Jacket

2013 Arctic Cat Freezone Jacket

Meet the new-school, Bobby-Flame style of the men’s Freezone Jacket from Arctic Cat, a non-insulated, shell-style jacket that performs as strong as it looks. It’s constructed from waterproof, breathable A-Tex-coated fabric with a moisture-wicking mesh lining and fully taped seams to keep you dry in all conditions. Zippered underarm air vents allow custom climate control, while a dedicated MP3 player pocket with tangle-free neck cord system helps deliver the perfect soundtrack to your ride. Front flap magnetic closure keeps the snow out, while three pockets contain your essential gear. And 3M Scotchlite Reflective Material delivers the ultimate reflectivity in low-light conditions. Available in both Lime and Black styles in S – 3XL sizes with an MSRP starting at $219.95 U.S./$249.95 Canada.


2013 Arctic Cat Sno Pro Brake Lever

With a curved tip shape, the new Sno Pro Brake Lever from Arctic Cat delivers enhanced riding comfort. It’s constructed from forged aluminum an anodized in either black or silver. It attaches quickly and easily on any 2012-2013 Arctic Cat ProCross or ProClimb snowmobile. The MSRP is $59.95 U.S./$69.95 Canada.


2013 Arctic Cat mid-capacity Seat Pack

The all-new Seat Pack from Arctic Cat delivers a mid-capacity storage solution while tucked safely and securely behind the seat of any 2012-2013 ProCross or ProClimb snowmobile. Constructed from durable nylon to keep gear secure, the 1,600-cu.-in. capacity pack features two zippered compartments to keep items separated for easy and simple access. Quick-detach plastic loops make it easy to mount or remove the pack. All mounting hardware is included.  Can also be used with the accessory 2-up seat. The MSRP is $99.95 U.S./$114.95 Canada.

All these sweet new goodies are available now at most Arctic Cat dealerships and HERE at the Arctic Cat online store.



  1. Very cool shirt. I would feel a whole lot better dropping 60 bucks on it if it said “Made in the USA” on the tag. Honestly, I would pay a little more for stuff made here, or Canada for that matter. Just a thought.

  2. In the Tinycat collectibles I need rleefx hammer and stethoscope. But I’ve gone through everyone’s messages above and no one needs what I can offer: cone, broccoli, goldfish, laser pointer, and band-aid.Other collectibles I need are yarn, cake, karot, invisible bike, invisible trophy, carrier, and dress. For any of those I’ll trade one of cone, broccoli, goldfish, or laser pointer. Thanks.

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  7. Zune and iPod: Most people cpomare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker. [url=]oohbbzzaur[/url] [link=]istmskjwo[/link]

  8. Zune and iPod: Most people cpomare the Zune to the Touch, but after seeing how slim and surprisingly small and light it is, I consider it to be a rather unique hybrid that combines qualities of both the Touch and the Nano. It’s very colorful and lovely OLED screen is slightly smaller than the touch screen, but the player itself feels quite a bit smaller and lighter. It weighs about 2/3 as much, and is noticeably smaller in width and height, while being just a hair thicker. [url=]oohbbzzaur[/url] [link=]istmskjwo[/link]

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  10. I knew metagirl pinckig Dig Dug over Mr. Do! would cause some problems. Man, I wish Berty would have been able to fire, maybe I wouldnt have jumped off the edge so many times in fear. Good podcast! [url=]zlfpgkfyp[/url] [link=]drvwdf[/link]

  11. I knew metagirl pinckig Dig Dug over Mr. Do! would cause some problems. Man, I wish Berty would have been able to fire, maybe I wouldnt have jumped off the edge so many times in fear. Good podcast! [url=]zlfpgkfyp[/url] [link=]drvwdf[/link]


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