
News Bites 2.14.15: The Highs and Lows of Snowmobiling

Screen grab from snowmobile crash video on YouTube.

Available next year at Hay Days: “I Bang Snow Banks” t-shirts.

In this thief’s version of Planes, Trains and Automobiles, the lovely Joshua Vossen allegedly stole a van, Volvo, Arctic Cat snowmobile and a truck in his efforts to flee. Apparently the Volvo stint left no lasting impression.

What happens when 1,044 snowmobilers gather for a ride? A possible Guinness World Record. I wonder if the 1,044th rider gave the “I’m-last-in-line” hand sign?

The Guinness ride might have had another participant IF he hadn’t burned his sled piece-by-piece in an effort to stay warm. #firecat

Do officers sit around and laugh once the dust settles from an incident like this? I hope so. 

A truly frightening avalanche that appears to end well for this sledder.

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