
Team Arctic Test Trip… in Tucker’s Words

Team Arctic Racers testing in Colorado

At this very moment, a handful of Team Arctic racers are out west, pounding their bodies into shape for the soon-to-start race season.

Monster Energy racer and McDonalds Happy Meal consumer, Tucker Hibbert, took some pix and sent us some notes from the trip so far.

In Tucker’s words-


Here are some pics from our test/practice session. Sorry I can’t provide more detail, but I am standing by a window holding my computer up to get internet and typing one-handed. Skills!

The riders that are here getting ready for this season’s battles are:


Paul Bauerly

Garth kauffman

Zach pattyn

Logan Christian

Andrew Carlson

Wes Selby

Taylor Meuwissen

Kirk Hibbert


We had to chain-up the truck to make it up to our parking spot.


Kirk is an experienced truck chain installer…


… snocross tuner…


… and fire-builder.


Kirk wants to know why John Sandberg isn’t taking these pics.


Paul Bauerly is an awesome sandwich maker and Sportech’s/Arctic Cat’s promising new pro racer.


Wes Selby is trying to convince Kirk to switch gloves so they would match his helmet. Even though Kirk is colorblind, he declined.


I am pumped about my dad’s boy scout fire skills…and to be back on the snow pounding laps. We are getting some great riding and the sleds are working awesome. I will get some riding shots tomorrow.

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