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HomeFeaturesTGIF: The Sept. 12, 2014 Edition

TGIF: The Sept. 12, 2014 Edition

TGIF and the Massey Ski Whiz vintage snowmobile ad looks so good.

I’m thankful the guys from Marketing used creative copywriting to compensate for Engineering’s carved-from-a-bar-of-soap styling.

I’m thankful I took a Ski Whiz before I attempted to dicker and deal.

I’m thankful that I still see headlines like these through the eyes of my 14-year-old self.

And I’m thankful it’s Friday, Sept. 12, 2014.



  1. Flashback! yes I grew up on a farm and our first sleds were implement company brands!! Just like the one in the picture! Thought they were pretty cool till I could afford my own sled which was an Arctic Cat Jag 3000! Never looked back! Although I do have to say the bright red Ski-Whiz’s got us into the sport!

  2. I worked at Wang Laboratories (a crtrpoaoe name that belied its size at its height) in the early 1980s, and besides what were lovingly called minicomputers in those days, Wang also made a PC with proprietary software and a several features that appeared LATER on Macintoshes: imaging processors and retrievable sound files (not compressed to the extent they were with MP3 technology). If only Steve Jobs had been born in New England and had been a hire by Wang, things might have been different.

  3. The word on the street is that they are on the way out. BUT that Alexander Wang back is a whole new take on studs, plus Mr Wang does have his finegr superglued to the pulse so we say if you want it, and have the spare cash, do it! [url=]vhsqej[/url] [link=]epxwazjrbv[/link]

  4. I can testify to this. Although I am not a rock star, roierdcng music is a hobby of mine. I have been selling my music on iStockPhoto for a few years now and it has generated some small side cash for me.


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