
USXC Cross-Country Snowmobile Racing DVD

I haven’t yet watched the new DVD detailing the highlights of the 2013 USXC cross-country snowmobile race season, but if the footage in this 90-second trailer is any indication, it will be worth the $20 price tag.

According to producer Patriot Racing, the 45-min. DVD combines great race footage (like the snippet of Team Arctic’s Ryan Simons launching at the I-500 shown on the trailer); racer interviews (including Simons and Team Arctic great Jolene Bute); a tour inside a top race trailer; a look at the USXC tech inspections; and many other elements of the USXC racing experience.

There is footage from every event from the 2013 season.

All of which suggests to me that anyone interested in USXC cross-country racing will enjoy the DVD. If you’re considering racing cross-country, this sounds like a must-see.

As a bonus, any first-time racer who buys the DVD will get a free class registration/entry to one USXC race this coming season (see USXC for more details).

CLICK HERE to go to the USXC Website for the opportunity to buy the DVD.

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